Better data
Faster insights
With rich and accurate data, we model a digital twin of your operating room to help you achieve operational excellence.
Operational Excellence in the Operating room:
What’s in it for you?
Our customers achieve their goals through operational excellence, and you can too.

How do we unlock Operational Excellence in the OR?
Our innovative healthcare technology platform is key.
Why is our
data better?
Rather than data-mining your existing systems, we use our proprietary technology to generate rich and accurate surgical data from scratch. In a matter of days, we create a detailed representation of your unique operating room environment. It’s a 360-degree data measure that translates into a digital twin of your OR.

What do we
mean by faster insights?
Within just 4 weeks, we’ll provide you with a wealth of actionable insights and improvement opportunities simulated for your local processes. It’s thanks to our OR data platform, our best practices database, and your digital twin that we’re able to deliver insights with such speed and accuracy.
Scenario simulation through a digital twin of your OR
With better data at hand, we configure a precise digital twin of your unique OR setup. This digital twin allows us to simulate potential improvements and measure their projected efficacy, giving you a clear guide to specific changes that will lead to operational excellence in your operating room.

How can we work together?
Get valuable insights right away...and discover the benefits of ongoing support.
Why others choose to work with us?
The reason
we're here
Spending hundreds of hours in the operating room, we saw an opportunity to support teams to work smarter by offering data-driven OR insights to make processes easier and more efficient.
Our experience shows that you can simultaneously reduce fatigue among medical teams, increase surgery volume and profit, and improve the patient experience – resulting in greater operational excellence and true value-based healthcare.